Brain Science and Advanced Technology Institute

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Zeng's Group

  1. Jing–Jing Zhang, Lin Li, Dan Liu, Fei-Fei Hu, Gui-Rong Cheng, Lang Xu, Ping-Ting Yan, Yuan Tian, Heng Hu, Ya-Fu Yu, Xu-Guang Gan, Li-Na An, Bo Zhang, Jin Qian, Li-Yan Fu, Xi Cheng, Peng-Fei Lian, Ming-Jun Zou, Chong Chen, Qing-Ming Wu and Yan Zeng∗. Urban–Rural Disparities in the Association Between Body Mass Index and Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Cross–Sectional Study in Central China. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,2021 Aug 24. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210295.
  2. Yue C, Hu C, Xiang P, Zhang S, Xiao H, Zhou W, Jin H, Shi D, Li J, Xu L, Chen Y, Zeng Y*. Autophagy is a defense mechanism controlling Streptococcus suis serotype infection in murine microglia cells. Vet Microbiol. 2021 Jul; 258:109103
  3. Mingmin Yan, Lanxia Meng, Lijun Dai, Xingyu Zhang, Guiqin Chen, Yongfa Zheng, Yunhong Zha, Yan Zeng*, Zhentao Zhang*. Cofilin 1 promotes the aggregation and cell-to-cell transmission of α-synuclein in Parkinson's disease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Sep 3;529(4):1053-1060. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.06.101.
  4. Pei YP#, Wang YY#, Liu D#, Lei HY, Yang ZH, Zhang ZW, Han M, Cheng K, Chen YS, Li JQ, Cheng GR, Xu L, Wu QM, McClintock SM, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Zeng Y*. ICAM5 as a Novel Target for Treating Cognitive Impairment in Fragile X Syndrome. J Neurosci. 2020 Feb 5; 40(6):1355-1365. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2626-18.2019.
  5. Liu D#, Cheng G, An L, Gan X, Wu Y, Zhang B, Hu S, Zeng Y*, Wu L*. Public Knowledge about Dementia in China: A National WeChat-Based Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct 31;16(21). pii: E4231. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16214231.
  6. Cheng K#, Chen YS, Yue CX, Zhang SM, Pei YP, Cheng GR, Liu D, Xu L, Dong HX, Zeng Y*. Calsyntenin-1 Negatively Regulates ICAM5 Accumulation in Postsynaptic Membrane and Influences Dendritic Spine Maturation in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Front Neurosci. 2019 Oct 18; 13:1098. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01098.
  7. Li Jinquan, Chen Yushan, Chen Qiao Yi, Liu Dan, Xu Lang, Cheng Guirong, Yang Xu, Guo Zhenzhong*, Zeng Yan*. Role of transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) on ozone-exacerbated allergic asthma in mice. Environmental Pollution. 2019,247: 586e594.
  8. Yue CX, Li JQ, Jin H, Hua KX, Wang YY, Cheng GR, Liu D, Xu L, Chen YS*, Zeng Y*. Autophagy is a defense mechanism inhibiting invasion and inflammation during high-virulent Haemophilus parasuis Infection in PK-15 cells. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 2019, 9: 1–14.
  9. Cheng GR, Li XY, Xiang YD, Liu D, McClintock SM, Zeng Yan*. The implication of AMPA receptor in synaptic plasticity impairment and intellectual disability in fragile X syndrome. Physiol Res. 2017,66(5): 715-727.
  10. Gao Lei, Tian Mi, Xu Qianqian, Huang Yuming,Zeng Yan*. TrkB aonist 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone increases surface expression of AMPA subunits and ameliorates cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. J Neurochem. 2016,136(3): 620-636.
  11. Tian Mi, Zeng Yan*, Hu Yilan, Yuan Xiuxue, Liu Shumin, Li Jie, Lu Pan, Sun Yao, Gao Lei, Fu Daan, Li Yi, McClintock SM. TrkB Agonist 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone Changes Synapse Expression of AMPA Subunits and Ameliorates Behavioral and Spine abnormalities in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Neuropharmacology. 2015; 89: 43-53.
  12. Zeng Yan*, Wang Xiaonan, Wang Qiang, Liu Shumin, Hu Xiamin, McClintock SM. Small molecules activating TrkB receptor for treating a variety of CNS disorders. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 12(7):1066-77, 2013.
  13. Zeng Yan*, Chang Wei, Shu Chang, Ma Lina, Huang Yuanyuan, Wang Ruoshi, Zhang Junpeng, Zhu Changcai, McClintock SM. Decreased cognitive function in extended family members from the single late-onset-Alzheimer's-disease pedigree. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2013,19 (7):809-19.
  14. Zeng Yan*, Liu Yakun, Wu Mianyun, Liu Jun, Hu Qi. Activation of TrkB by 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone prevents fear memory defects and facilitates amygdalar synaptic plasticity in aging. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012,31 (4):765-78.
  15. Zeng Yan*, Lv Feng, Li Long, Yu Hui, Dong Min, Fu Qinghai. 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone rescues spatial memory and synaptic plasticity in cognitively impaired aged rats. J Neurochem. 2012,122(4):800-11.
  16. Zeng Yan, Zhao D, Xie CW. Neurotrophins enhance CaMKII activity and rescue amyloid-β-induced deficits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010, 21(3): 823-31.
  17. Zeng Yan, Lv X, Zeng S,Tian SL, Shi J. Activity-dependent neuronal control of gap- junctional communication in fibroblasts. Brain Research. 2009, (1280):13-22.
  18. Zeng Yan, Lv XH, Zeng SQ, Shi J. Sustained depolarization-induced propagation of [Ca2+]I oscillation in cultured DRG neurons: the involvement of extracelluar ATP and P2Y receptor activation. Brain Research. 2008, (1239):12-23.
  19. Jiang H, Tian S, Zeng Y, Li L, Shi J. Nerve growth factor inhibits Gd(3+)-sensitive calcium influx and reduces chemical anoxix neuronal death. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2008, 28(4): 379-82.
  20. Jiang H, Tian SL, Zeng Y, Li L, Shi J. TrkA pathway(s) is involved in regulation of TRPM7 expression in hippocampal neurons subjected to ischemic-reperfusion and oxygen-glucose deprivation. Brain Research Bull. 2008, 76(1-2):124-30.
  21. Tian SL, Jiang H, Zeng Y, Shi J. NGF-induced reduction of an outward-rectifying TRPM7-like current in rat CA1 hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience Letter. 2007, 419(2):93-98.
  22. Zeng Y, Liang XC, Dai JP, Wang Y, Yang ZL, Li M, Huang GY, Shi J. Electroacupuncture modulates cortical activities evoked by noxious somatosensory stimulations in human. Brain Research. 2006, 1097(1): 90-100.